IB unit “Sharing the planet“. Plants

IB unit “Sharing the planet“. Plants
2022 May 23th Grade 2

While analysing the unit, students learned about different parts of plants and their functions. They found out that trees have trunks and other plants have a stem. 

Students did an experiment – “Leaf Prints“ and got familiar with the main parts of a leaf. What is more, they realised that a leaf makes food for a plant. 

Also, students planted a variety of marigolds and gaillardia. While waiting for the flowers to bloom, students learned the main requirements for the plant growth. 

Also, students did an experiment with beans and peas seeds and learned that not all seeds require    

well-cultivated soil to sprout. 

After creating a technological card describing a grow of a herb, students planted the herbs and waited for the seeds to germinate. 

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